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What will you find in Qalby?

Prayer Times

Quran On the Go
Read Quran on the go and pick through a variety of reciters of Quran. With the save function, you can bookmark your favourite verses and easily access them when you open the app. You can also play The Quran in lock screen mode.

Inspiring Daily Reminders
Need some Iman boosters? Our daily inspiration reminders are here to inspire and to boost your iman. Love them? Save the notifications to ‘my soul’ and share the khayr with others.

Extensive Collection of Dua and adhkar
Find the best dua to fit your circumstances and needs. Our dua’s are sourced from The Quran and The Sunnah.

Ilm finder
Nourish your mind and soul with our curated classes brought to you by QalbyApp’s official partners.

The E-journal is to help you organise your daily events and personal journaling. “My Heart” is for you to pause, reflect and express what is in your heart and mind, as Allah tells us in many places in the Quran, to reflect. You can also keep track of your curated acts of worship with our ‘Ibaadah Checklist’, tick off your to-do’s and strive for istiqamah in your ‘amal.